What is Forking Opinions?

Forking Opinions is a personal catalogue of ideas and opinions of this man who considers himself to be a positive/optimist nihilist (aka Anushray Singh). Through podcasts, writings and videos, he wants to express himself. Over the course of years, one thing has become clear to this man that there is no apparent meaning of life or there are no apparent ways to happiness. There is no good reason to fall into an abyss and become negatively affected by the wretchedness of the world. Money, power and pleasure do influence us all, and the societal constructs make us fall into the traps of this triad. Without digressing, the point is to look within yourselves, ask questions that make you and other flinch and start doing something that lifts you and helps you see the world in all its hidden glory.

I wrote a book, ‘In India: Everything is Sunshine and Rainbows’ to let out my frustrations and pent up writer’s angst. The book wasn’t professionally put together but rather a hasty collection of essays that talked about a young man’s trials and tribulations in a beautifully chaotic country that I call home: India. Like many other young souls in India, I did Engineering out of societal pressure. Quickly, I realised there wasn’t any inquisitive curiosity about life, philosophy, and inner exploration being done in any educational institutes. Families wanted their children (largely boys) to take up an office job, marry a girl from the same socio-economic strata, buy a house and a car and then raise their children in the same fashion. When you encourage young men and women to devalue their chaos, rebellion, inner explorations, sexuality and inquisitiveness, then you are contracting the societal free will. Philosophers, writers and thinkers have always countered such institutional behaviours that are borne out of religious dogmas or just a continuation of regressive societal foundations. Indian society has largely shaped itself on the principle of honour and what society will think of you.

As a counter-culture to regressive religious and institutional societal norms: a liberal Indian movement about creating social change through art, music, films, comedy etc is brewing. Millennials and the generation Z are kinds of seeing these patterns in a society which misconstrue religion according to their needs. Anyways, I am a product of this Indian liberal counter-culture surgence. I want my films, writings and podcast to put forth ideas and opinions that talks about the inherent meaning of life, society, culture, art, media et al.

Welcome to Forking Opinions! I urge everyone to introspect, think out loud, express freedom to find meaning and purpose over fleeting materialistic happiness and fall into the clutches of instant gratification. Ciao!